Well that was fun... about as fun as filling in a census form and confirming my non-binary status.
As we throw off the shackles of Lockdown 3.0 or 4.0 or was it 2.4 kids - who cares?
We have exhausted Netflix, and various other websites (say no more) and are ready for the brave new world that awaits us just around the corner. To coin a wonderful lyric from the Bard of Barking, [that’s Billy Bragg for your esteemed information] Wear London have started their own fashion revolution and cut out the middle man. Obviously artistic license was liberally used there, but you get the point.
Now my friends - what to wear after lockdown? In complete and total sartorial eloquence as we venture out to the shops, pub gardens and outdoor restaurants, I have the answer. Forget the hyperbole over sportswear it's time to smarten up, ship shape and Bristol fashion. Let me help you here - take my Antibac'd and well sanitised hand and I will lead you to your fashion Nirvana.
First off, Joggers - (not your normal high street sweat pants) Wear London has the Smart jogger. Made in Superflex fabric, either in Combat style or classic style. So comfortable, you'll forget you're wearing anything from the waist down! Dangerous, I grant you, but ultimately the most comfortable, round the houses* you will ever treat your scotch eggs* to! ( *round the houses - Trousers, *scotch eggs - Legs)
Now, for those of you not into joggers, we also have “Made in the UK” Selvedge Jeans for £50.00. What’s not to like? Hurry though, as these are limited edition.
The top Half - for those April showers we have a beautiful Waterproof “Made in the UK” Mac, guaranteed to keep you dry in the intermittent rainfalls that besiege our beloved shores.
For the layered look - underneath the aforementioned London Mac you can sport a Wear London cotton Shacket. Made in a perfect fabric for our inclement weather.
Underneath this beautiful garment, we can offer a fabulous waistcoat. Then to top it off, we have the new limited edition Jersey shirts.
All this for the price of 4 artisan coffees, that’s if you purchase them in the flat whites of Shoreditch, ok well maybe thats a slight exaggeration.
Enjoy, Explore, Experiment, and most of all experience this brave new world, fully kitted out in Wear London.